Awayuki is a light snowfall in the late spring, covering the world in a blanket of beauty that melts in the morning sun. For that fleeting moment we can appreciate a sense of peace and beauty. 

Our tours will take you to the parts of Japan that respect the natural world, explore traditional crafts, enjoy exquisite food, and find the sense of peace of Awayuki.


Awayuki is a light snowfall in the late spring, covering the world in a blanket of beauty that melts in the morning sun. For that fleeting moment we can appreciate a sense of peace and beauty. 

Our tours will take you to the parts of Japan that respect the natural world, explore traditional crafts, enjoy exquisite food, and find the sense of peace of Awayuki.

Coming soon

社名   淡雪合同会社

本社   〒951-8067 新潟県新潟市中央区本町通12番町2782

代表者  スピッツ ジェニファー 

設立   2024年5月

資本金  7,000,000円



  • 翻訳・通訳サービス
  • 観光ガイド
  • 日本伝統文化芸能の体験ツアー企画及び運営

AWAYUKI All Right Reserved 2024